The new (and old) Apple devices are being hacked and crashed left and right! Here is a new trick to hack and crash any iPhone or iPad with a simple text message. Detailed steps are given below.


A single text message can freeze your Apple device for short period of time (usually 1-5 minutes). Your iPhone or iPad will then subsequently restart. The targeted user does not even have to open the text message in order to be affected by it. That is freaky!

This hack works by using emoji codes. Since there is no such thing as a rainbow flag, a targeted Apple device tries to combine the code for both the white flag and the rainbow symbols using the variation selector. Trying to render this code apparently confuses Apple devices and causes them to freeze and then crash.

The troublesome text won’t affect devices running Apple’s latest software, iOS 10.2, but could lock up phones running earlier versions of iOS 10.

Steps (Please use this hack responsibly)

Kali Tutorials is not responsible for any permanent (or temporary) freezes and crashes. Please use this hack at your own risk. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open iMessage.
  2. Go to Preston 159 iOS Bug page.
  3. Copy the flag code available in the text field.
  4. Go to to the iCloud page and sign in to your account.
  5. Open your Notes and paste the code you copied into a new note. Do NOT click save just yet!
  6. (Important) Press the ENTER key and then save your note.
  7. Now open Notes on your iPhone or iPad and open the newly saved note with the code.
  8. From the top-right, you can forward this note to any person you like and their Apple device will crash!

Did the hack work for you? Did you make someone rage? Have a better hack? Let us know in the comments below!